Regula Staempfli, laStaempfli on TWITTER uses Trends: #WhatsAppdown #Instagramdown #Facebookdown

Regula Staempfli has been working on art, digital design, digital transformation, IT, social media for years. She has produced numerous books on the topic, going back to 2003 where she warned universities, institutions and parties to be controlled by data. She called it by 2007 “the conquest of the world as a code”. She is leading a future podcast for the SWISS SOCIAL SCIENCES in collaboration with TA-SWISS (TA-SWISS promotes public debate and facilitates democratic decision-making – because technological advances should serve people, not the other way around.) listen in to

Here the introduction on Codes & Democracies: „Digital democracy“ is actually an oxymoron: „Digital“ means artificial, whereas“Democracy“ is worldly. And when it comes to democracy, the virtual world is like Swiss cheese: full of holes. What has so far been called „data bias“ isnot merely encoded prejudice, but a methodological gap. Uncritical coding keeps the real world on ideological crutches. Political philosopher Regula Staempfli’s article is a plea: not just for democracy to be digitalized, but that digitalization should finally be democratized.

Women are beaten down by #Misogynie #Coding and lacking #Visibility. So laStaempfli advises every woman to use Trends in social media to promote their stuff: MAYBE EVEN A MAN stumbles across it and reads it. A MAN IN HIGH POSITION! (please turn on Irony Detector guys…) Anyway: My name is Regula Staempfli. I was elected among the first ten intellectuals in Switzerland and believe me: I deserve first – in EUROPE. There are a lot of stories to tell. First how my troll managed to get my name, my studies and my birthday wrong and refuses – with the help of WIKIPEDIA nerds – to put it right. But that does not matter. Really important is: I have a copypaste-proofed 800 page PHD on GENDER and WAR (1914-19145), a Hannah ARENDT Documentation center, I have written two bestsellers and am therefore financially independent and at the moment I have five podcasts going on, after having written five columns a week for major german speaking newspapers and radiostations. With the great Isabel Rohner I review German media on

I am many as you readers are. I am a great fighter and winner for democracy: in 2009 I invented the European Citizen Initiative – a direct democracy tool that helped prevent the privatisation of water in 2015. But enough about me: Here for my english speaking community: